Method 1: Working for All iPhone Series 4/4s/5/5s/5c/6
This method is eassy
For This method you must watch a video Click here to watch
Method 2: This method is too difficult (only works for iPhone 4)
Lets begin :
1 : First thing we need to do is RESTORE the device to 7.1.1, you said this is not possible ?
Enter DFU Mode :
3 : Upon Restore remove device from PC, do not let iTunes detect that its LOCKED.
Be sure there is : No SIM, No WiFi very important.
4 : Launch Shh_rd_rev04b_iphone4-RevA.
5 : When Shh_rd has launched, connect to Localhost port 2022.
USER : root
PASSWORD : alpine
6 : Once Shh_rd loads the connection open the terminal window and run :
7 : Get to the ROOT and locate : mnt1/applications
8 : BACKUP the folder called : (Just in case we need it later) once a backup is made go ahead and delete : from the device.
9 : Go back another folder and copy the : mnt1 and mnt2 folders (Just a backup in case we need them)
10 : Restart the iPhone, it will boot up in : Recovery Mode, Use TinyUmbrella to kick the device from recovery mode.
You should now have BYPASSED, however iTunes will still ask for Apple ID : SO DO NOT CONNECT TO ITUNES !!!
Very important that you do not connect to iTunes at this stage !!!!
11 : Again place the device in to : DFU Mode.
12 : Reconnect to the Shh_rd Tool and run : (again).
13 : Navigate to : /mnt2/root/Library/ Place the Cache folder here.
14 : In the same folder as above, place the : Lockdown folder.
15 : Add the : device_private_key to the lockdown folder.
16 : Now navigate to : /mnt1/usr/libexec and place the lockdown folder here.
17 : Restart the device and iTunes should greet you with : Welcome to your new iPhone.
18 : Connect the device to your WiFi.
19 : Go in to the device settings Add your iCloud account.
20 : Send a Message to it from iCloud then erase/wipe device REMOTELY and then remove device from iCloud.
21 : iPhone will reboot in to : inactive state Restore device to 7.1.1
22 : When restore is complete pop in your SIM and you should be set
This method is eassy
For This method you must watch a video Click here to watch

Method 2: This method is too difficult (only works for iPhone 4)
Lets begin :
1 : First thing we need to do is RESTORE the device to 7.1.1, you said this is not possible ?
Enter DFU Mode :
2 : Connect to iTunes and restore the device to : 7.1.13 : Upon Restore remove device from PC, do not let iTunes detect that its LOCKED.
Be sure there is : No SIM, No WiFi very important.
4 : Launch Shh_rd_rev04b_iphone4-RevA.
5 : When Shh_rd has launched, connect to Localhost port 2022.
USER : root
PASSWORD : alpine
6 : Once Shh_rd loads the connection open the terminal window and run :
7 : Get to the ROOT and locate : mnt1/applications
8 : BACKUP the folder called : (Just in case we need it later) once a backup is made go ahead and delete : from the device.
9 : Go back another folder and copy the : mnt1 and mnt2 folders (Just a backup in case we need them)
10 : Restart the iPhone, it will boot up in : Recovery Mode, Use TinyUmbrella to kick the device from recovery mode.
You should now have BYPASSED, however iTunes will still ask for Apple ID : SO DO NOT CONNECT TO ITUNES !!!
Very important that you do not connect to iTunes at this stage !!!!
11 : Again place the device in to : DFU Mode.
12 : Reconnect to the Shh_rd Tool and run : (again).
13 : Navigate to : /mnt2/root/Library/ Place the Cache folder here.
14 : In the same folder as above, place the : Lockdown folder.
15 : Add the : device_private_key to the lockdown folder.
16 : Now navigate to : /mnt1/usr/libexec and place the lockdown folder here.
17 : Restart the device and iTunes should greet you with : Welcome to your new iPhone.
18 : Connect the device to your WiFi.
19 : Go in to the device settings Add your iCloud account.
20 : Send a Message to it from iCloud then erase/wipe device REMOTELY and then remove device from iCloud.
21 : iPhone will reboot in to : inactive state Restore device to 7.1.1
22 : When restore is complete pop in your SIM and you should be set
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